School lunch food, either you love it or hate it, but has it ever crossed your mind if our school lunch is truly trustworthy food to eat, or healthy for students? Why not find out the truth behind what we consume? Dive in to learn the truth once and for all. Our school mission is to provide lunch for students to have nutrition throughout the day. It’s important for students to have nutrition since lack of nutrition can affect one’s learning ability and of course health too. It’s so important that students are provided with healthy lunch meals, and the Renton School District is providing healthy breakfast & lunch for free to most students.
UC Health has provided information for students of how many calories an average teen needs each day which are “3,000 to 5,000” (Nutrition source). Of course this can be different for many students, but these are the healthy requirements. Many talk about how unhealthy school lunch can be, but this can be far from the truth. After all, students are the ones who make the choice if we want to eat what school lunch offers or not. When we look at Renton High School’s lunch menu, we can see they offer fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, which is what students need. Even doctors will recommend healthy eating which, if you don’t know, is a well-balanced plate with whole grains, veggies and fruits. Finally, to prove if it’s truly trustworthy food to eat and healthy for students, we can take a look at Renton School District and see they are following school meal guidelines and goals to have appropriate calories and portions. We can even search a website that shows our school menu that shows the lunch they offer everyday. There are up to 14 options, including veggies, fresh fruit, and of course milk.
Overall, by the information we gather we can tell that the lunch meals provided are designed to be healthy and trustworthy meals for students that will nourish them throughout a day of hard work & learning. Therefore, we can enjoy our school lunch worry free!
Healthy Eating Plate – The Nutrition Source
High School Lunch 24-25 | My School Menus guidelines
Sources for Images : Thanks to ongoing special state… – Renton School District | Facebook
School Meal Goals and Guidelines – Renton School District 403