COVID Origin and It’s Effects on Me

Sema, Journalist

In the Beginning, The Wuhan Market wasn’t selling bats at the time of the outbreak but the suspicion relied on anteaters which are sold in China. Also some wet markets sell wild or banned animals like cobras, wild boars, and raccoon dogs. The big condition can let viruses from different animals who end up swapping genes but sometimes the virus changes too much, it starts to infect and spread among people.  The one that causes SARS in Southern China in 2002 and can quickly spread to 28 other countries more than 8,000 people were infected by July 2003 and 774 end up dying. Coronavirus is a dangerous disease that was caused by SARS-COV-2 that doctors say it is a respiratory tract infection that includes noses, sinuses, throat, lungs and more and more, but it can mainly spread by a person to person contact.  The coronavirus started January 21, 2020 and it came from the originated bats from China and there is 5,633 people that had COVID in the United States. The symptoms of COVID are fever, chills, shorten of breath, feeling tired all the time, muscle and body aches and headaches. 
COVID has affected me by not being able to enjoy my senior year because I’m at home doing school when I wish I was at school in person because it would be so much easier. During this pandemic you can barely do stuff.  It is my senior year and it is getting close to graduation.  Places are shutting down, and families can’t do what they want to do.  Children have to be at home doing school even though most children and teenagers are probably enjoying this because we are doing school in our beds and we don’t have to get up early and all that, but it is mostly homework wise and I’m not saying it’s hard, I’m just saying it’s too much.  Thankfully I still get my work done.  I do the best I can to turn in my work on time, but if you ask me, this COVID experience ruined everything for people.