The United States and China’s Rising Tension

Alex Phan, Journalist

China and the United States have been at each other’s necks ever since the Taiwan Crisis and The Trade War occurred between the People’s Republic of China and The United States in 2018. It is still an ongoing conflict. China was being accused of unfair trade practices and  intellectual property theft, and The Trump administration stated that these practices may contribute to the U.S-China Trade deficit, which would make the Chinese require the transfer of American technology to China. 


July 6 2018 – January 2020 Trade war 


“Donald Trump and Xi Jinping at the G20 Summit talking about the Trade  War” 


The Trade War started in July when the United States imposed 25 percent tariffs on US $34  billion dollars of Chinese goods coming from China, but in return, the Chinese retaliated by  imposing 25 percent tariff on 545 goods originating from the US worth US $34 billion. On 12/01/18, Xi Jinping called the United States president, President Trump, to call for a truce to The Trade War at the g20 summit in Argentina. After the Trade negotiations broke down, The United States Increased tariffs on US $200 billion worth of Chinese goods, from 10% to 25%. But on June 29, 2019, China and United states agreed on a truce to The Trade War and the Americans gave China a new name: “The Currency Manipulator” 


U.S-Taiwan Relations/ One China Policy Issue

“Obama with Xi Jinping Supporting the “One China” Policy


As the leading democracy of the world, the United States of America has strong ties with Taiwan in the Southeast China sea and a indo-Pacific Allies like India, Australia, Japan, and South Korea. Though The United States does not have diplomatic relations with Taiwan, the two countries have a really strong friendship like deep commercial and economic links, and strong people to people ties, which would form a bedrock tie friendship between Taiwan and the United States. But the United States has a longstanding policy called the one China policy which means that Taiwan is China and not a country, but the United States has an act called “The Taiwan Relationship Act” which basically bypasses the one China policy the U.S have just to support Taiwan. 


2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine

“The United States having a zoom meeting with China about sending  weapons” 


The United States and China are very hostile towards each other due to them siding with different foundations. For example, China is supporting the Russian Federation and the United States is supporting Ukraine. The United States blames China for having the Russian Federation start a war in Ukraine, while The Chinese Blame the United States for not keeping Europe peaceful, claiming that the United States is at fault for not keeping the peace in europe. When the war is still ongoing the Chinese will do their best to support Russia and support Ukraine citizens. The United States and China will still blame each other for not keeping the peace in Europe.  


In conclusion, the United States and China might start a new cold war between one another, which may be called the Sino-American Cold War, which can lead to WW3 or trying to one up another, but the Chinese and Americans will hate each other no matter what.


Source: the United States and china’s role in Ukraine: position-russias-invasion-ukraine 

Trade war: timeline-key-dates-and-events-july-2018 

Taiwan and the one china policy: