Flooding has been happening for thousands of years. People’s lives have been destroyed by flooding. Recently, Floods have been happening at a more intense and increasing rate. Climate change has caused natural disasters that have been causing destruction worldwide.
Picture of the destruction caused by the flood in Brazil.
Texas residents were suffering from flooding due to heavy rain. The flood killed 3 people and damaged 800 buildings on May 4th, 2024. 2 days after this disaster happened, another flood took place in Brazil. The recurring flood killed 83 people and injured 276 people. This flood has caused 121,000 communities to become displaced. Finally, at the beginning of March, Kenya was devastated by the torrential rains, which caused a flood to kill 228 people and displaced 23,000 households.
In conclusion, flooding can change many things, from people dying to damaged buildings to homes being displaced. With climate change exacerbating the strength of floods it causes more damage. These floods show how natural disasters affect people. As well as representing the growing urgency with the climate change problem, especially with the time to fix this problem becoming shorter.
If you are in a flood situation, do not attempt to walk or drive through flooded areas. Follow the evacuation routes. If your car stalls in water, get out and find higher grounds. Avoid moving water and power lines. Turn off the utilities until the authorities tell you that it’s safe to do so. Stay away from the weak points of your home, and always wash your hands with soap after touching floodwater.
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