
Multicultural Event 2018

Thanh-Truc (Jo) Nguyen, Staff Writer

Taekwondo is a Korean form of martial art, characterized by its emphasis on head-height kicks, jumping, and spinning kicks.

Mysonne “Sonne” Brown showcases his skills with a staff and nunchucks. It’s one of the multicultural show’s most high-energy performances with the audience screaming and cheering Sonne on.

Sonne has been doing taekwondo for 8 years.

“I always watched power rangers and martial arts movie when I was younger, so I wanted to train to become a power ranger,” Sonne says.

He goes on to explain the deeper significance behind his commitment to the art.

“There’s another important reason I started Taekwondo, I got bullied, like, religiously when I was younger and my self-esteem was horrible. Taekwondo classes can do a lot for you not only physically, but mentally, and emotionally too. So my parents decided to enroll me in a school to start training,” revealed Sonne.

Sonne wanted to bring taekwondo to everyone on the multi stage for a reason just as remarkable.

“I wanted to challenge myself,” Sonne says. “I would always talk about how I practiced taekwondo, but I never actually showed anybody much of it.”

For him, a stage in front of the whole school was the perfect opportunity to prove to everyone how breathtaking taekwondo is and show off his years of experience.

“Well the funny thing about all of this is, I actually put everything together the week of auditions, like, my audition was Friday and I started on the Monday of that week,” Sonne jokes.

Sadly, this is Sonne’s senior year at Renton High School meaning, future classes will not have the chance to see Sonne’s awe-inspiring performance.