Dealing with the stress of finals

Dealing with the stress of finals

Loran Mueller, Assistant Editor

With all of the deadlines and the stress of finals week quickly approaching for students at Renton High School, it can be difficult to keep life organized and calm amidst all the preparation and assignments. This is why it can be helpful for students to take just a minute or two and instead of stressing out about their assignments, tests, and grades, to tidy up the little things in their lives.

For instance, something as simple as cleaning out a messy backpack can help students prioritize the papers and packets that are actually being used on a regular basis. Not to mention, a backpack without month or year old clutter is a backpack without quite as much weight to it.

As well as getting rid of work that is no longer needed, students should also organize the work that does need to get done in the next couple of days. Keeping a planner that is up to date or even just listing out assignments for each class and their are due dates does wonders. Again, this is something that helps with prioritization of assignments.

Outside of assignments for school, it can also be beneficial to take care of smaller things at home. Things like tidying up a messy room or just taking a break to do something else can help to change anxious thinking to something more relaxed.

It is also fairly common knowledge that simply eating right and getting a healthy amount of sleep will help with productivity and mood in the long run. However, drastic changes in routine are not good for the body, so making this shift overnight is not the best idea. Moving toward better eating and sleep can be harder to prioritize during times of stress, so just take this one step at a time.

Finally, remember that there are resources at every turn. Making a mistake or slipping up one day does not invalidate all else and it does not mean that success is impossible. It can be very difficult to put stress into an accurate perspective during times like these. Taking a minute to step back and remember how much work has been done already throughout the year will hopefully help with the motivation and confidence it takes to get things done in the present.