LGBT community

Tyina Hill, Staff Writer

The LGBT Community is roughly defined as a group of people who are gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and many more. Organizations and subcultures for this community are united by the act of common culture and social movements. The idea of this community is to bring to light the diversity of sexuality and gender-defined cultures. This community goes as far back as 1924 where activists began to use the initial LGBT in the United States, but it wasn’t until 1990 during the movement where people of the community finally started gaining respect.

There have been many movements for the LGBT community.

In the year of 2015 on June 26th, the range of same-sex worldwide marriages had spread allowing those who were in same-sex relationships to marry.

On May 13th, 2016, former President Obama weighed in on a legislative action known as ‘Toilet Wars” in which it allowed those who sexually identified as Transgender to use bathrooms that correlated with their self-identified gender.

Statistics showing that the gender gap in LGBT identification is expanding: 5.1% of women and 3.9% of men in the year of 2017. The estimate of the LGBT population in America rising to a 4.5%.

LGBT Pride Month is a month to celebrate the honor of the Stonewall Riots in Manhattan, which was the turning point for the Gay Liberation Movement in the United States. Today it attracts many people worldwide who recognize the impact that LGBT has on history locally, nationally and internationally. National Coming Out Day as well as ¨March on Washington¨ in 1979 are also commemorated during LGBT history month.