The Key To Studying

Lana Vuong, Staff Writer

Considering more studying is a sure way to get better grades, but with all the distractions, lack of motivation, etc. that could make studying difficult. With the right amount of concentration, understanding, attention span, enjoyment, and rest, studying can be made easier.

Studying can be boring but is essential for students to develop an entire education and support students with opportunities to develop study habits, time management skills,  self-discipline, and improvement on students’ ability to understand the material.

“A recent study may be putting the ‘you should study three hours per credit’ motto to rest. According to the National Survey of Student Engagement’s findings, the average student spends about 17 hours each week preparing for classes.” Three hours a day does sound quite excessive but with the right tips could make it easier and more fun.

The most helpful tips that could help a studying experience, for instance, picking a place and time to know when to get things done, study every day/establish a study routine, discover the learning style that is most effective, always review and revise, remember to take regular study breaks and ask for help, staying motivated and positive is key, try collaborating with a partner or a group every once in a while, always set goals and make a plan, and finding the balance between studying, school, breaks, rest, having fun, etc.

A couple of nice convenient places to study are local coffee shops like a Starbucks, they have drinks, food, to enhance concentration and energy, a good amount of background noise and their wifi is quite fast. The library, which usually is the first thing to pop into people’s mind, with all the books and computers for research or projects. The park, being surrounded by nature and the outdoors can naturally be a way to improve a mood, feeling freer, inspire creativity, and focus, also towards people who are more into being outside. Other places that could also be a good studying place could be local community centers, school lounges, tutoring/study centers, and/or book stores.

Studying can be so boring sometimes, to avoid falling asleep. Try little things like being in a well-lighted room, sitting on a chair instead of a bed, avoid heavy meals before studying, drink lots of water, take a nap, read out loud, learn by writing, and avoid studying difficult topics at night.

Helpful habits to have when studying is getting organized, know the expectations, designate a study area, develop a study plan, think positively, create a study group, practice active listening, review test-taking strategies, read actively, and look into the future.