
Ella Lambert, Writer

A cluster of purple and transparent crystals

Crystals, what are they? What do they do? You may have seen or heard about them through social media. They became really popular during the pandemic when some people started getting more involved with spiritualism. Other than being pretty and colorful there is a big variety of stones with many different beneficial properties that could help you with your life in general. Some people choose to meditate with crystals, others prefer to wear them on a necklace, bracelet or place them somewhere in their house to bring in good energy to their lives.

How do Crystals work? It’s important to recognize that our body system is filled up with energy that shows up in densities and different patterns. Our emotions and thoughts are connected to our physical bodies that have a density of health, however, these energy patterns can be disrupted which then results in poor health from headaches 

A collection of many crystals. All having different colors, shapes, and sizes.

to serious diseases. Many people believe that Crystals are alive and that they work with the human energy field and are able to absorb, move or shift energy within the body. For this reason, people meditate with crystals. They place the crystal on the area where they’re feeling stressed and wait until it relaxes.

How to cleanse a Crystal? It’s also important to clean your crystals when you first buy them because they absorb energy from their surroundings. It’s recommended to keep your crystals cleansed so that they work effectively. Crystals can be cleansed in many different types of ways, some people expose them to the sunlight because many believe that the sun has a lot of cleansing properties, Others use the moonlight, you can also put them underground as well.

How much are they? Crystals are very affordable but prices may vary because some of them are harder to find than others but it all depends on their weight, size, color, and function, you can find them at your nearest crystal local store or buy them online.  


A woman sitting while holding a large, pink crystal.