How Much Sleep Does A High School Student Need?

Image of a student sleeping during class
March 29, 2022
How much sleep does a high school student need?
Should schools change their start time? Research shows that most teens don’t go to bed around 11 pm to 1 am and says that teens are exhausted. Teenagers require more sleep than adults, requiring around 8 hours and 30 minutes to 9 hours and 25 minutes. This means that most teenagers are not getting enough sleep every night. Teenagers are busy nowadays due to after school sports, homework, jobs, and household chores. Should schools change their start time for this reason? Why or why not? I will be interviewing Aldo and David, both high school students who go to Renton High School.
What time do you sleep during school days? And why?
Aldo: I usually sleep around 1-2 am because I need to finish some homework and I’m always busy with chores and helping my mom around the house and cooking.
David: I go to sleep at 11 or 1 am because I have to do stuff before I do my homework.
Do you think that homework and other daily things affect your sleeping schedule? If so, why? Aldo: Most of the time, yes, because I have to stay up really late just to turn in some homework or late work, and as a person, I procrastinate a lot, so it’s really hard to get assignment done fast and it’s probably the reason why I sleep at like 1 am or 2.
David: I feel like homework and late work do affect my sleep schedule because I have little sleep and it’s sometimes hard to focus during school days, but I try to get my work done.
Do you have time to spend with your family after school? Or are you just so tired you go to sleep? Aldo: Yes kind of, and no because I only spend time with them when I’m cooking or if they call me, I just do school work or late work.
David: I have time to spend with my family after school, but after I have to do all of my work, I just feel really sleepy afterward.
Do you think that the start time for high school right now is a good start? Why or why not?
I think it’s fine, but if they were to change it an hour later, I would be less tired and I would have more sleep.
David: I feel like the start time is a bit too early, but I’m getting used to it, so it’s alright for me, but if they change it, that would be cool too.
Do you think that schools should change their start time? Why or why not?
Aldo: Yeah, it would be better for everyone if there was a late start because you would get more sleep and also have more time to get your work done for school.
David: I feel like schools should adjust the start time at least to 8-9 am so it could be easier in the morning to focus and not feel exhausted all the time.
In conclusion, researchers show that high school students do not get enough sleep. Research says that teens need at least 8-10 hours of sleep to function best, and both high school students, Aldo and David, get around 6 hours of sleep during school nights. Sleep is important for high school students. Sleep helps students pay attention in school, sleep helps improve athletic performance, sleep helps them grow and develop normally, and it can help with their health. Not getting enough sleep can make you feel irritable, moody, sad, or even depressed. Not getting enough sleep can also give you a hard time concentrating during school and can cause you to fall asleep during class.
Ways you can get more sleep:
-Do homework right away.
-Set regular bedtimes and try to stick with your schedule.
-Don’t nap for more than 30 minutes.
-Turn off electronics.
-Exercise Regularly.
-Keep lights off when sleeping. Why It’s Ridiculous That High Schools Start So Early in the Morning