(Photo of Mr. Cheatham in a hallway)
When you come to school, many students do not want to go to class or tend to feel down. When students feel this way, it is important they have at least one staff member to receive support from.
Have you ever wanted to learn more about some of our staff here at Renton High School? Meet Mr. Cheatham, who is one of our Renton High School security guards. Not only is he our security guard, but he is also our girl’s basketball assistant coach. Mr. Cheatham has worked at Renton High School for 23 years as of this January.
Mr. Cheatham is a character many people at Renton High look up to because of his motivation to help students.
1.What keeps you here at Renton?
“The kids, I love working with the kids.”
2. Do you prioritize a good relationship with students?
“Yes, they keep me young!”
3. What’s the hardest part of your job?
“Dealing with administration.”
4. What skills made you qualified for this position?
“I didn’t get hired at security at first, I was the in-school suspension person. When I was hired in that way, I started talking to the kids and seeing that the kids needed help with homework, understanding, and basic communication skills. I got involved with helping them with their homework and understanding their family situations.”
5. Do you regret choosing this career?
“Oh no, 23 years ago, if you would’ve told me I had this career, I would have told you, you’re nuts!”
6. What changes have you noticed from your first year here to now?
“Administration has changed, the rules are different. Back then, they were more supportive of security. They’re not as supportive now.”
7. What are your goals as a security guard?
“I would like to see everybody safe. I would love for every kid around here to experience college or a trade, and to get an education, a high school diploma.”
8. What’s the craziest thing you’ve experienced while here?
“A parent wanted to fight me because I wouldn’t let her daughter fight another student. I thought that was the craziest thing I’ve ever seen in my life.”
9. How do the students motivate you to keep this job?
“By asking questions, trying to figure situations out, and seeing them motivated because a lot of motivated kids just don’t have a lot of direction.”
10. What’s the biggest obstacle you have had to face?
“ Not being on the same page with this administration.”
Mr. Cheatham plays a big role in many kids lives because of his drive to help out the students. From helping with homework to learning about their life situations. His biggest goal is to see everyone succeed at Renton High. This greatly impacts students because it is common for schools to not strive for the best in students. We need more staff like Mr. Cheatham who wants to strive for the best in students and lead them in the right direction. I asked Mr. Cheatham if there was anything else he would like me to know before he continued on with his day. He said, “To know that I’m gonna keep being here helping kids. That’s what this is all about because they need direction.”