Renton GSA will restart after school on Friday, January 24th, in room 131. We’ll be electing open officer positions and planning our activities for the rest of the year! GSA is a safe space for all LGBTQ+ students and their allies. We hope to see you then!
The AACs will be hosting another Scholar Saturday on January 25th! We’ll be at the RHS Library from 9am to 12pm! Come get support from teachers and AACs and catch up on any missing work and projects. We’ll have lunch and snacks for you. Sign up here if you are interested!
Seniors! The senior photo deadline has been extended until January 24. Get those last minute photos and quotes submitted by 2:30pm on Friday, January 24. You can upload your photo using this link: Please email LeeAnne Soule, yearbook advisor, with any questions at
Homework Help Center is on Tuesdays & Thursdays from 2:03 – 3:30pm @ RHS Library.
RedHawkS Pride: On Fridays, please wear your RedHawkS spirit wear (or red) to show your school spirit! 🙂