(Picture of Renton High School’s Football Coaches and Team.)
Renton High School Football had a reputation of being looked at as the “Easy Win” game. Teams felt that they didn’t have to worry about winning the game against RHS. They thought that the win was guaranteed whenever Renton was scheduled, until 2021 when Renton Football was blessed with a new coaching staff. They had plans to change the culture of Renton HS Football. These coaches have brought lots of success over the years, which is a testament to how much these coaches love the game and the players they coach.
Success Over The Years
Starting off the 2021 season, Renton only had about 30 players total on their varsity roster. Yet due to grade checks, which had been a tradition for Renton High School for many years before, they were only able to play their first 5 games with 15 players. This did not stop this team from achieving their goal of making the playoffs for the first time in 20 years. This was only the beginning of the incredible turnaround for the RHS football team. They have made the playoffs for 3 straight years, the 2 most recent years out of those 3 they have played for the league championship. All of this success comes from the commitment of the coaches and the way they got the players to buy in and want to change the culture of this football team. To build a “program” rather than just having a “team.”
Lessons You Will Take Away From Renton HS Football
1. Becoming a better man on and off the field
2. Learning life lessons within the game of football
3. Learn to take accountability
4. Learn what commitment is
5. Get your body in better shape with the weight room
6. Make you a better human being overall
Thinking About Joining Renton Football (Fall Sport)?
1. Go to Renton High School’s Website Home Page
2. Click on Athletics
3. Click Registration/Clearance
4. Click on Renton High School Athletic Registration
5. Create an Account on Final Forms
Hope to see you there!