Game Review: What is Fortnite?

Fortnite… coming from someone who has never played the game.

Game Review: What is Fortnite?

Christopher Quiton, Staff Writer

(This was per request, so this may be a bit inaccurate, if not 100% inaccurate)

Fortnite is a free-to-play, online Player versus Player (more commonly known as PvP on the Internet) published by Epic Games, who are known for making the Unreal Engine, (a commercially available game engine that is linked to games like “A Hat in Time”) the Gears of War franchise, and the Infinity Blade game franchise. According to Wikipedia, Epic Games considers this game like a hybrid between Minecraft (Mojang) and Left 4 Dead (Valve). The basic premise is that this is a sandbox game (which means you can do whatever you want, like Minecraft) played by up to four players (per map), where you collect resources, build fortifications (must be why the game is called “Fortnite”), and protect the survivors of a zombie outbreak (sort of like Left 4 Dead). Based off this information, it is hard not to picture a sort of multiplayer Resident Evil game. There is a standalone version of the game based off a battle-royale type game aptly titled “Fortnite: Battle Royale”, released in September of 2017.

The next question to ask would probably be: “How does this game compare to other games in the same genre?” However, that type of question has been used so many times you could take the question, and loop it around the Earth based on how many times it has been asked. Rather, a viable question to ask is “Why is this game unique?” or “Should I give this game a try?” Well, to answer these questions, a few different things need to be assessed.

First off are the graphics. Do they stand out against all the other big name games like Call of Duty and others? The answer to that is a resounding yes. Instead of trying to make the game look hyper-realistic, Epic Games took an approach that yielded results akin to the “Life is Strange” games. The characters look like a human-cartoon hybrid, which is a good thing. It hearkens back to the days of games like Team Fortress 2, where the characters do not look real.

The next thing to assess is the music in Fortnite. While the game has music, it could be hard to hear due to the game play. However after taking a listen to the music, I have deduced that the music in Fortnite is not as memorable as a game like Cave Story, or Super Meat Boy, or Shatter, or any other indie game, or any Sonic game (which is considered the God of video game music). However, it was good music to listen to.

The next thing to assess would be the gameplay, but I do not have access to the game, and do not have the desire to play the game so…

Overall, it is not a game that I would particularly find interesting, however that should not stop you from trying it out. If there is one thing you should take away from reading this article, it is to not care what other people tell you about your choices in games. If you want to play what is popular, then go right ahead. If you would rather play an indie title like “Shovel Knight” or “Undertale,” then never allow anyone to judge you for playing those games. This applies to more than just video games though. If you have a particular movie you enjoy, or a band, or a book, or anything, never let people judge you based off what they like. That is all I had to say. If this was a review of the game, I would personally give it a 7/10, but that score does not matter as much as whatever score you the reader would give it.