RHS Talent Show

Jacqueline Rodea, Staff Writer

Renton High School hosted its 2018-2019 talent show just last month in October. There were many people who participated and auditioned for this exciting event. Sadly, not everyone was accepted, but there were many performances that were incredible and left the audience speechless.

The talent show was amazing and students should attend to give support every single school year. It gives students a chance to show things that they are really good at. For example, Lianna Walters has love for singing, and the event gave her a chance to showcase her talent.

It also gave students a chance to lose some fears about performing in front of a lot of people. Francisco Hernandez, a singer who performed for the talent show shared about his experiences as a junior performer.

¨[I] felt nervous, like I had butterflies in my stomach, and after I felt like I just reached the top of Mount Everest,¨ explained Hernandez.

Lastly, the talent show gives the school, both staff and students, something to get excited about. Students go to the talent show to watch and enjoy the show and maybe even to support their friends.

The talent show is ¨fun to watch and you could go with your friends,¨ Bilan Ahmed, a junior at The Renton High School, stated.

Another student, Kloe Quinn, a sophomore at Renton High School stated that she would like to see the talent show in the future.

¨I would want to see what kinds of talents people have,¨ shared Quinn.

A lot of people have fun watching the talent show. People enjoy the talent show because they get a chance to see people showcase their talents–and sometimes its people they know! Next time RHS hosts its talent show, sign up to participate or grab and friend and go support as enthusiastic audience members!