New year, new self


Jie Chen, Staff Writer

2018 had become a thing of the past, and 2019 has opened a door full of new possibilities.

Were you not satisfied with yourself in 2018?

Are you looking for things to do to improve yourself?

Well, congratulations! This is the first step to success!

To be able to think about your flaws is way better than not to even be aware of them, and you have come to the right article! This article will introduce 6 things that you can do to improve you over all as a person.

“Once we accept our limits, we go beyond them.”  Albert Einstein

  1. Eating healthy.

We all have heard the phrase “You are what you eat” or similar phrase before and is quite true since the food we eat does build up our body. To start anything we want to do, we must obtain a healthy body first, and to do so is eating healthy. Try to limit your snacks or switch to low fat, healthier snacks, eat the correct portion of vegetable and meat, and don’t over eat.

  1. Start writing diaries.

Writing diaries is a good way to keep track of your own life, it helps one to reflect on the day, and promote the thinking of a better tomorrow. Not only to just reflect on yourself, but it also leaves memorable record of your life, and when you look back to it in the distant future, you would be amazed on how much you have changed.

  1. Build a plan for your goals and/or schedule your everyday life.

We always hear our teachers saying that to be successful we will have to plan everything out. It helps you to keep track of your progress over the time period and keeps yourself reminded of your goals. The main thing that should be on your plans should be the goal that you seek and various ways of how you will get there. Or you can create a to-do list of the days and stick to it, because of the constant reminder so productivity will go up!

  1. Plant something.

Yes, start planting something in your yard or flower pot. It does not matter what kind of thing you plant; you can plant vegetables to eat or pretty flower to just decorate your room if you want to. Planting something will help you stay focused and raise your patience, which is what most people lack nowadays since the tempo of everyday life is getting faster and faster, and so we should take some time out of the stressful day and just water your plant. Also planting plants have far lower cost than raising a pet if you don’t already.

  1. Clean out your room.

Well, this should be done before the new year — fresh start for the new year, but is never too late to clean out your room. Pick up trash, clean out your drawers, recycle old magazines, vacuum your room, open the window and let in fresh air, and leave no dust on your desk. A clean, nice looking room will make you feel energetic and comfortable.

  1. Learn about someone.

Learning about other people’s lives and their experiences can be entertaining and is also a chance to learn about their values of life. It can be anyone: your friends, your parent/guardians, your peers, if they got time, even neighbors too. Or it doesn’t have to be someone close, but a historical figure or famous people that you never get in-depth with, learn about their achievements and how they got there. If you are learning about musicians or artists, great! See if you can understand their work, admire the great mixture of colors and line work, listen to their music and think about the lyric, what does it say about their view of this world? Learn something from their values.

A sudden improvement may be hard, and it might not turn out to be what you imagine it would be, but what’s important is the fact that you are trying to improve yourself with patience and determination, it is these two things that will get you somewhere.


Learn more about self-improvement:


Quotes about self- improvement: