31 days and 31 drawings

31 days and 31 drawings

Karen Tran, Staff Writer

For the artist who does not have any motivation, or for the people who need to kill time and keep their minds active, why not take on the Ink-Tober Challenge?

Wait, but what is the Ink-Tober Challenge?

For those who don’t know,  it’s a challenge that entails drawing every day in October, starting October 1st. The topic can be very flexible, but after sketching or drawing your piece, you must either trace it in black pen or start with ink first.

On the website, MrjakeParker.com, there’s a list of words for each day to help spark inspiration!

If you haven’t seen on YouTube, many artist channels have already started the challenge, but you can start anytime and stop whenever, as long you have FUN!

One of the suggested guildelines is you should post your work on any social media with some tags like #Inktober or #inktober2018, but you don’t have to.

Read more at the official website, MrjakeParker.com, and see more steps and instructions below to start Ink-Tober.


  1. How to Start: Pick your topic! For example: Poison. Then you must draw something that is related to that topic, like a Poison Apple. Doesn’t have to be perfect!
  2. After sketching, trace it in Black Pen or Ink OR do the complete opposite and start with ink first.
  3. Make sure to erase your pencil sketch if you started with pencil first.
  4. After you have finished with the line art (tracing your sketch with black pen or ink),
  5. (optional) You can add color, in marker or whatever material you have so it draws attention to a specific part.
  6. Now, if you are happy with your piece, you can share it on social media using the #Inktober or #Inktober2018.
  7. Congrats, you finished an Ink-Tober day!
  8. Now, if you wish to continue the challenge, repeat these steps, until you reach October 31st, or whenever you want to stop.
  9. Make sure to have fun!

Not a lot of people know about this challenge, so sharing the idea within the community lets artists that are shy know they should, “express themselves and show their art to the world or just challenge themselves.”

The most important thing during this challenge is to have fun!

You can start this with a friend or use the topics for other things like a project. Or, use this challenge to practice drawing. The possibilities are endless!

Expressing yourself through art is very beautiful. Many people could scribble and draw random lines and say, “Hey, these are my feelings right now.”

Because of this challenge many people had time to relax and let go from drawing perfectly, without anyone to critically judge. Topics like disorders are common because people draw their feelings and what they’ve seen, making them create very amazing art and how realistic, accurate connections with the art to the word.

If you want to look at more illustrations try looking online for art pieces during Ink-Tober  






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