Our Peer’s Opinions on Online Schooling

Natalie Wilson, Journalist

We all know these times have been hard recently and we´ve had to change a lot in our lives. It’s important to make sure we are here for each other as much as we can be and support each other. Times like right now are actually very difficult on some people and simple things can make someone feel a lot better. Let’s go check in on some of our students!

As you guys know, the online school has been quite a handful. With this, I asked some students from Renton High School (they had decided to stay anonymous for this interview) and asked them how they have been feeling about school recently and their workload. Overall, my interviewees have been feeling like it has been harder and ¨more annoying¨ for them, it’s been more of a stress. One of my interviewers had stated,

¨It’s harder to learn not being in-person. ¨

Which is completely understandable and the major problem with online school. I also asked if they preferred the last tri´s setup compared to now and they all said no. They said,

¨It was more like a do-it-yourself.”

But also stated that,

“The mandatory zoom calls are a little much, I would prefer if we had mandatory zoom calls only when we´re personally needing help.”

As a follow-up, I also asked my interviewees if they felt like they had all the support they needed and they all reported yes. Good job teachers!

As a final question to get my interview wrapped up, I asked my interviewees if they had one piece of advice they would give to teachers and what would they tell them? They wanted to say (and be put in this article) that they would appreciate time and flexibility.


“We need support during these times especially from one of our biggest stressors. So yeah, schools have been different, but we are all trying our best. I know most of us miss school learning but for now, at least we are doing our best!”


With this in mind, remember to stay safe and do things to keep you sane right now.