Cross Country Experience

Jordan Farias Castro, Journalist

I have chosen to interview Isaias Guillen because he is a Cross Country athlete. I want to know about his experience, so I asked him the following questions:


1. What was the first sport you got interested in, or started doing at first to become an athlete?

I was initially more interested in getting in shape and losing weight during Covid so I started running and lifting weights with my cousin.


2. What sport has interested you (if there is something in specific)?

It’s fun lifting heavy weights and running and fun at times.


3. How was your dedication to keep going on that sport?

Seeing improvement in different ways like feeling like you have more energy, lifting heavier, seeing that you look different in the mirror and just having fun working out in general. I love the grind of it.


4. I can see you doing more sports. What made you get into playing more sports?

I do cross country, track and recently joined swimming. I do cross and track because they both involve running so that was a no rainier I never knew how to swim so joining Swim was something new to do during this winter.


5. At this point, Do u have a different favorite sport? If so, what is it?

I don’t really have a favorite sport, I just do the things I like doing


6. What age did you start playing your first sport?

I did track and 6th grade and 7th grade but I didn’t care about it much until Corvette happened and I went to get in better shape which is when I started doing weight and running.


7. I see you did cross country. What do you like about this sport?

Cross country has a very tight-knit community and feels like a little family which is something I really enjoy.


8. Cross country can be tough or need a lot of health and stamina. What do u do to improve and stay healthy?

Eat healthy-ish and get good sleep.


9. If you can say a word of advice to all at least would you like to tell them?

Enjoy the process rather than just chasing numbers or else you won’t have fun in the long run.


10. Anything you would like to say or some notes we should know?

Learn that being active is a gift and you shouldn’t take it for granted while you are young. Go out there and push yourself in whatever sport or activity you love to do.


Photo of Isaias Guillen Garcia


It was such an inspirational interview. I really enjoyed learning about his involvement in sports. I enjoy sports myself, so it was great hearing about another person’s point of view. I resonated with his words of advice because it pertains to life in general. It is important to do things you enjoy and to not worry about anything else because you lose joy in what you’re doing.